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Baystate Summer Scholars
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Baystate Summer Scholars : JAMA
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Users' guides to the medical literature. I. How to get started.
Users' Guides to the Medical Literature: II. How to use an article about therapy or prevention: A. Are the results of the study valid?
Users' Guides to the Medical Literature: II. How to use an article about therapy or prevention: B. What were the results and will they help me care for my patients?
Users' Guides to the Medical Literature: III. How to use an article about a diagnostic test: A. Are the results of the study valid?
Users' Guides to the Medical Literature: III How to use an article about a diagnostic test: B. What are the results and will they help me in caring for my patients?
Users' Guides to the Medical Literature: IV. How to use an article about harm
Users' Guides to the Medical Literature: V. How to use an article about prognosis
Users' Guides to the Medical Literature: VI. How to use an overview
Users' Guides to the Medical Literature: VII. How to use a clinical decision analysis: A. Are the results of the study valid?
Users' Guides to the Medical Literature: VII. How to use a clinical decision analysis: B. What are the results and will they help me in caring for my patients?
Users' Guides to the Medical Literature: VIII. How to use clinical practice guidelines: A. Are the recommendations valid?
Users' guides to the Medical Literature. VIII. How to use clinical practice guidelines. B. what are the recommendations and will they help you in caring for your patients?
Users' Guides to the Medical Literature: IX. A method for grading health care recommendations
Users' Guides to the Medical Literature: X. How to use an article reporting variations in the outcomes of health services
Users' Guides to the Medical Literature: XI. How to use an article about a clinical utilization review
Users' Guides to the Medical Literature: XII. How to use articles about health-related quality of life
Users' guides to the medical literature. XIII. How to use an article on economic analysis of clinical practice. A. Are the results of the study valid?
Users' Guides to the Medical Literature: XIII. How to use an article on economic analysis of clinical practice: B. What are the results and will they help me in caring for my patients
Users' Guides to the Medical Literature: XIV. How to decide on the applicability of clinical trial results to your patient
Users' guides to the medical literature: XV. How to use an article about disease probability for differential diagnosis
Users' Guides to the Medical Literature: XVI. How to use a treatment recommendation
Users' guides to the medical literature: XVII. How to use guidelines and recommendations about screening
Users' Guides to the Medical Literature: XVIII. How to use an article evaluating the clinical impact of a computer-based clinical decision support system
Users' Guides to the Medical Literature: XIX. Applying clinical trial results: A. How to use an article measuring the effect of an intervention on surrogate end points
Users' Guides to the Medical Literature: XIX. Applying clinical trial results: B. Guidelines for determining whether a drug is exerting (more than) a class effect
Users' Guides to the Medical Literature: XX. Integrating research evidence with care of the individual patient
Users' Guides to the Medical Literature: XXI. Using electronic health information resources in evidence-based practice
Users' Guides to the Medical Literature: XXII. How to use articles about clinical decision rules
Users' Guides to the Medical Literature: XXIII. Qualitative research in health care: A. Are the results of the study valid?
Users' guides to the medical literature: XXIII. Qualitative research in health care B. What are the results and how do they help me care for my patients?
Users' Guides to the Medical Literature: XXIV. How to use an article on the clinical manifestations of disease
Users' Guides to the Medical Literature: XXV. Evidence-based medicine: principles for applying the Users' Guides to patient care
Users' Guide to the Medical Literature: How to use an article about genetic association: A. Background concepts
Users' Guide to the Medical Literature: How to use an article about genetic association: B. Are the results of the study valid?
Users' Guide to the Medical Literature: How to use an article about genetic association: C. What are the results and will they help me in caring for my patients?
Users' Guide to the Medical Literature: How to use an article about quality improvement
2013 Summer Scholars
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