Burnout at work : a psychological perspective / 2014
Leiter, Michael P.,
Keywords BURNOUT
Burn out (Psychology; Job stress; Psychology, Industrial
BF 481 B966 2014 First edition.
Remedy for burnout : 7 prescriptions doctors use to find meaning in medicine / 2014
Fitch, Starla,
Keywords BURNOUT
Burnout, Professional; Physicians; Psychology, Industrial; Stress, Psychological
WM 172 F546r 2014
Back from burnout : seven steps to healing from compassion fatigue and.../ 2013
Gabrin, Frank,
Keywords BURNOUT
Burnout, Professional; Health Personnel; Work
WM 172 G118b 2013
Compassion fatigue and burnout in nursing : enhancing professional quality of life / 2013
Todaro-Franceschi, Vidette.
Keywords BURNOUT
Nurses; Philosophy, Nursing; Empathy; Burnout, Professional; Quality of Life
WY 87 T633c 2013
The resilient practitioner : burnout and compassion fatigue prevention and self-care.../ 2016
Skovholt, Thomas M.
Keywords BURNOUT
Burnout, Professional; Health Personnel; Self Care
WM 172 S628r 2016 Third edition.
The sample book titles shown on this page are just a few of many possible titles of interest in print or avilable electronicaly. If you know of a good title or would like the Library to search for what else is out there, just let us know - and we will obtain for you through interlibrary loan free of charge anything not available at the Library & Knowledge Services.
Overcoming secondary stress in medical and nursing practice : a guide to.../ 2006
Wicks, Robert J.
Keywords BURNOUT
Burnout, Professional; Allied Health Personnel; Nurses; Patient Care; Physicians
WM 172 W637o 2006
Managing stress and preventing burnout in the healthcare workplace
Halbesleben, Jonathon R. B.
Keywords BURNOUT
Stress, Psychological; Burnout, Professional; Health Personnel
WM 172 H157m 2010
Physician burnout : A guide to recognition and recovery / 2015
Murphy MD, Tom
Keywords BURNOUT
Burnout, Professional; Stress
WM 172 M978p 2015
Stop physician burnout; what to do when working harder doesn't work
Murphy MD, Tom
Keywords BURNOUT
Burnout, Professional; Stress
WM 172 M978p 2015
Healing physician burnout : diagnosing, preventing, and treating / 2015
Studer, Quint,
Keywords BURNOUT
Burnout, Professional; Physicians; Mental Fatigue
WM 172 S933h 2015
Compassion Satisfaction:: 50 Steps to Healthy Caregiving
By Patricia Smith
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2012
Time to Care: How to Love Your Patients and Your Job
By Robin Youngson, MD
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2012
Handbook of Stress and Burnout in Health Care
By Jonathon R.B. Halbesleben
Nova Science Publishers, 2008