Create an Account Updates & Expiration |
BMJ Best PracticeAbout the App
Prevention TaskForce (formerly ePSS)About the App Free App |
Clinical KeyAbout the App Create an Account
EpocratesAbout the App Free App |
Red Book Online (AAP)Message from the publisher: On June 1, 2021, the AAP mobile apps Red Book Online (RBO) and Pediatric Care Online (PCO) were retired to align with our efforts to provide the most updated content with the best user experience to our members and customers. |
Reprotox About the App Please contact the library for access information when downloading app.
STAT!RefAbout the App Create an Account
Updates & Expiration |
UpToDate AnywhereAbout the App
Open the app and log in with the user name and password that you just created. Registered users will also accrue CME Credits. Learn how to submit CME credits here: Updates & Expiration |
The Medical LetterApp Description Create an Account |
mobilePDR app
Create an Account |
UpToDate Lexidrug (formerly Lexicomp) OnlineApp Description Create an Account
Updates & Expirations
Create an Account You will be prompted to go to your email where you will receive a message from BrowZine to confirm your email address (tip: make sure to open your confirmation email from a baystate PC - not from your device). Click on green confirm tab. You now created your own BrowZine account. Follow these steps on your Mobile Devices:
Updates & Expirations You can always go to the SETTINGS tab within BrowZine to see how much time you have left in the pairing. Pairing starts out at 90 days, so if you just completed this you now have 89 days left. Once this time expires you will be prompted to re-pair your device again. Alternatively, you can avoid this by periodically using BrowZine (just launching the app) within the institutional wi-fi if possible. This automatically will bring you back up to 90 days.
Clinical KeyAbout the App Create an AccountFrom a Baystate PC open ClinicalKey
Ebsco MobileAbout the App Create an Account Open the App and tap Get Started. |
Create an Account Updates & Expiration |
About the App The ClinicalKey app offers access to hundreds of Elsevier reference books, such as Ferri's Clinical Advisor, Goldman-Cecil Medicine, and Mosby's Pocket Guide to Cultural Health Assessment., Create an Account
Red Book Online (AAP)
Message from the publisher: On June 1, 2021, the AAP mobile apps Red Book Online (RBO) and Pediatric Care Online (PCO) were retired to align with our efforts to provide the most updated content with the best user experience to our members and customers. |