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Obtaining Articles: FEES


Fees for Baystate employees

Physicians, residents and fellows receive 100 complimentary articles per year, per patron. There is a $5 charge per article after that. Invoices to your cost center will be assessed semi-annually.


Professional research staff, administrators, nurse educators (job related) also receive 100 complimentary articles per year, per patron. There is a $5 charge per article after that. Invoices to your cost center will be assessed semi-annually.


Fees for unaffiliated health professionals

Unaffiliated health professionals and persons doing study or scholarly research need to register with the Library & Knowledge Services to submit article requests through Loansome Doc. If approved, the articles are processed through Loansome Doc and the cost per article is $15, invoiced monthly.


Users from the public may also access our materials on site. Copying of articles in our collection is allowed by non-affliated patrons for a fee of 10 cents per page. Patients will not be charged for articles related to their illness. In some cases our reference librarians will mail articles or medical information upon request.

For more information about our services, please call the library at ext. 41865