Fees for Baystate employees
Physicians, residents and fellows receive 100 complimentary articles per year, per patron. There is a $5 charge per article after that. Invoices to your cost center will be assessed semi-annually.
Professional research staff, administrators, nurse educators (job related) also receive 100 complimentary articles per year, per patron. There is a $5 charge per article after that. Invoices to your cost center will be assessed semi-annually.
Fees for unaffiliated health professionals
Unaffiliated health professionals and persons doing study or scholarly research need to register with the Library & Knowledge Services to submit article requests through Loansome Doc. If approved, the articles are processed through Loansome Doc and the cost per article is $15, invoiced monthly.
Users from the public may also access our materials on site. Copying of articles in our collection is allowed by non-affliated patrons