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Residents as Teachers Toolkit: Self-Directed Learning

The Medical Education Office at Baystate Medical Center has compiled this guide for residents seeking development as teachers, learners, and critical thinkers, and for the program directors who want to assist them in that process.

Self Directed Learning

To ensure that residents develop the skills necessary to plan and carry out future life-long plans in their careers as physicians, the ACGME Common Program Requirements state that residents use Practice-based Learning to develop the skills and habits that will allow them to:

By encouraging the development of self-directed learning skills, faculty and mentors can facilitate the processes by which residents take ownership of their own learning and professional development.  The resources in this section are provided to assist educators in promoting self-directed learning.

Web-based Resources

  • The Office of Medical Education at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School provides numerous faculty development resources including the Residents as Teachers learning module "Encouraging Self-Directed Learning Skills."
  • suggested Readings

    Knowles, M. S. (1975). Self-directed learning: A guide for learners and teachers.  New York, NY:  Association Press. 
    Murad, M. H., Varkey, P. (2008).  Self-directed learning in health professions education.  Annals of the Academy of Medicine, 37: 580-590.
    Nothnagle, M., Goldman, R., Quirk, M., Reis, S. (2010).  Promoting self-directed learning skills in residency: A case study in program development. Academic Medicine, 85(12): 1874-1879.  doi: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e3181fa02a4
     Quirk, M. (2006). Intuition and metacognition in medical education: Keys to developing expertise. New York, NY: Springer.
    Su-Ting, T. L., Tancredi, D. J., Co, J. P. T., West, D. C. (2010). Factors associated with successful self-directed learning using individualized learning plans during pediatric residency. Academic Pediatrics, 10(2): 124-130.

    Subject Guide

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